Sanctuary in the Psalms, KJV Scripture Book


In Sanctuary in the Psalms, you’ll find a safe place to release all your worries and concerns into God’s secure and loving hands.

Sanctuary in the Psalms features nine color-coded themes including peace, comfort, hope, strength, gratitude, rest, joy, grace, and renewal. Are you discouraged? Flip through these pages and read all the verses that specifically refer to God’s everlasting hope—they are the verses highlighted in blue. Do you feel like you’re unable to keep going? Read through the verses about tapping into God’s strength—they are the ones highlighted in pink. Whatever you are facing, you’ll easily be able to find just the words you need to hear for you circumstance.

Spending time talking to your Father and reflecting on the Psalms, you’ll experience His heart for you like never before. Go ahead, open the pages, and find a place of sanctuary—a place of unconditional love and safety in His holy presence.

Product Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 3 1/2" x 6"

  • Page count: 512

  • King James Version translation

  • Published by DaySpring

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In Sanctuary in the Psalms, you’ll find a safe place to release all your worries and concerns into God’s secure and loving hands.

Sanctuary in the Psalms features nine color-coded themes including peace, comfort, hope, strength, gratitude, rest, joy, grace, and renewal. Are you discouraged? Flip through these pages and read all the verses that specifically refer to God’s everlasting hope—they are the verses highlighted in blue. Do you feel like you’re unable to keep going? Read through the verses about tapping into God’s strength—they are the ones highlighted in pink. Whatever you are facing, you’ll easily be able to find just the words you need to hear for you circumstance.

Spending time talking to your Father and reflecting on the Psalms, you’ll experience His heart for you like never before. Go ahead, open the pages, and find a place of sanctuary—a place of unconditional love and safety in His holy presence.

Product Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 3 1/2" x 6"

  • Page count: 512

  • King James Version translation

  • Published by DaySpring

In Sanctuary in the Psalms, you’ll find a safe place to release all your worries and concerns into God’s secure and loving hands.

Sanctuary in the Psalms features nine color-coded themes including peace, comfort, hope, strength, gratitude, rest, joy, grace, and renewal. Are you discouraged? Flip through these pages and read all the verses that specifically refer to God’s everlasting hope—they are the verses highlighted in blue. Do you feel like you’re unable to keep going? Read through the verses about tapping into God’s strength—they are the ones highlighted in pink. Whatever you are facing, you’ll easily be able to find just the words you need to hear for you circumstance.

Spending time talking to your Father and reflecting on the Psalms, you’ll experience His heart for you like never before. Go ahead, open the pages, and find a place of sanctuary—a place of unconditional love and safety in His holy presence.

Product Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 3 1/2" x 6"

  • Page count: 512

  • King James Version translation

  • Published by DaySpring

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