Our Story
Hello Friend!
I'm glad you made the decision to visit this page today. I'm a strong believer that nothing is coincidence and everything is God-incidence so I know there is a purpose for your visit today.
I'm only going to tell you a little bit about myself here...the rest you will have to read about in my blog posts.
I'm the mother of two beautiful blessings and wife to the most loving man I have ever had the privilege of calling my husband. I also have an amazing mom who has been through her own struggles and continues teaching me what it is to be in love with the Lord.
It took me a long time to make the decision to start blogging about my journey and mental health struggles, but through prayer and reflection, I was able to build up the courage to do so. I started by posting pictures of my little butterfly garden on instagram (@my_butterflygarden). I then moved to posting scripture verses on instagram (@faithfilledpromises). Now, Iβm in the process of starting my own small, online store in partnership with my husband! Iβm so excited about the process the Lord took me through and is still taking me through to get to this point!
In the process of praying and reflecting, God has revealed the stages I have been going through in my life, similar to the four stages a butterfly goes through. These stages include the following: Trust, Tell, Transform and Teach.
Trust the Lord, Tell my Story, Transform my Mind, Teach His Word
I hope you have a desire to listen to my stories. I have a few things to share that I think will help you reflect on your own journey and I'm hoping it will encourage you to share your own stories as well.
I can't wait to hear from you through comments on my blog or through social media. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Don't forget to subscribe to my mailing list so you can receive the latest updates or contact me through our contact page. Looking forward to sharing with you!
With Faith and Loveπ§‘,
My Family

Faith Filled Promises